An RBAC proposal An RBAC proposal in a simple way github: Role-based access control (RBAC) is a policy-neutral access-control mechanism defined around roles and privileges. Further reading: &&
qiniu-uploader qiniu-uploader 使用七牛的用户,相比大部分都是国人,这里就使用中文做一下简介吧! Hey guy, perhaps it's a wrong way for you here, if you are doing the qiniu in vue and there is a little hassle , I am eager to help , email me. 这是一个针对七牛上传文件的input[type="file"],并不是一个封装完成的插件,仅供参考代码应用。但,加入了多选文件、
云打印平台 解决需求 github: 用户在客户端上传自己所需要打印的文档,由映美云打印服务api触发自动打印,管理端可查看各种详细信息 技术栈 nodejs + mongoDB vue 2.x
local-image-server 1. a simple image hosting service used nodejs 2. running without mysql or mongodb, lowdb is required again (I'm a big fan of lodash) 3. base64 or image from web URL is supported, besides the form submit 4. resize the image to your expect and return base64 5. all images stay in your disk
Fingerprint Web Proposal There are many guys require to settle cross-domain token, but all most all reply is it not gonna happen, please change your mind. Trust me, it easy to make it happen, just follow my step, this proposal will show you something brand new.
简易部署工具 deploy-tool why 小项目,不需要jenkins 无需ftp替换文件 todo 部署日志 setup yarn That's all configure SERVER refers to your server IP SERVER_PATH refers to the path on your VPS project means the
QMK Firmware Builder Keyboard Firmware BuilderReasons for updating this project so muchOrigin repo had stopped updating and do not reply to any issues since 21 Jan 2017Readme for that is not enough for